[Fixed] Plyr Video Player [Fixed] All version use ionCube Loader 14+. You can download the ionCube Loader 14 here [Fixed] Netcine Additional Host [Fixed] Filemoon, Mediafire, Vidguard, Zen Hosts [Fixed] Facebook, Youtube Hosts by yt-dlp [Fixed] HLS/MPD Parser [Fixed] Cache System [Fixed] Known Bugs [Info] yt-dlp supports multiple hosts and you can create child classes, for example /includes/classes/Hosting/twitch.class.php. Then you have to register the child class in the json files in the /includes/bin/ folder, in this case: host-list.json, hostnames.json, supported-hosts.json and timeout-hosts.json (optional), bypassed-hosts.json (optional, if you can't play the video source directly), ua-validator-hosts.json (optional, if the video source requires user agent validation). After that you have to click Reset Hosts button and Clear All Cache via the settings page. [Added] yt-dlp Additional Host. You have to put the yt-dlp (linux/macos) or yt-dlp.exe (windows) file in the /includes/bin/ folder and change the permission: 700 and user: www/www-data/nobody/your username. Python 3.9+ required [Added] Complete Cache Processing of MP4 Video Files for All Resolutions in the Background. You can enable this feature by checking the "Enable Proxy Cache Files" setting via the General Settings page
[Info] If you use php 8+ then you must install ionCube Loader 14+ [Fixed] Already supports PHP 8.3 Fixed StreamSilk, WeTransfer Hosts [Fixed] Background Process [Fixed] Google Drive Bypass Limit [Fixed] Google ReCaptcha Validation [Fixed] Known Bugs [Removed] Google Drive Ajax Downloader Updated PHP Libraries
[Fixed] Dailymotion, Filemoon Hosts [Fixed] DaddyHD, NetCine Additional Hosts [Fixed] Cache System [Fixed] Known Bugs [Updated] PHP Libraries
Note: If the update dialog box does not appear then you can reset the settings and re-enter your license key [Added] File upload, StreamSilk Hosts [Added] Import Videos Max. Filesize on General Settings page [Added] Videos Export As CSV on Video List Page [Fixed] Vidtube Host [Fixed] database videos view. Note: If the video list is not visible then you have to import the views.sql file into the database manually [Fixed] Replaced Filelions with VidHide [Fixed] The Resume dialog box is always hidden on live streaming videos [Fixed] Edit Subtitle on Edit Video Page [Fixed] Cache System [Fixed] Video Checker [Fixed] Known Bugs [Updated] PHP Libraries