Even the best authors get an item rejected at some time. 

Your item can be soft-rejected or hard-rejected.

  • Soft-rejected: means your item has been rejected, but can make it to the marketplace by making a few changes to the item.
  • Hard-rejected: Means your item is not suitable for to be sold on Codemarketz as it is. Just a few changes are not enough to get the item approved. The item requires some drastic changes or additional features to make a chance to be suitable to be sold on the Codester marketplace. Some products are not suitable at all to be sold on the Codemarketz marketplace.

If your item is hard-rejected don't try to upload it again with just a few changes. On the other hand of your item is soft-rejected it shouldn't be a problem to make some changes to get it approved.

If your item gets rejected you will receive feedback. Here are the most common reasons you will receive when your item gets rejected:

1.Icon and preview image do not meet quality requirement

If you submit your item, please make sure you include quality images. These include a icon 200x200 and a preview image 1600x800. Don't stretch images to fit these dimensions. Also make sure you take the time to create professional looking images that represent your product. Have a look at other successful items on the Codemarketz marketplace if you do not know where to start.

2.No documentation included

Always make sure you have your documentation included. You will have to fully resubmit your item if this happens, so make sure it is all there.

3.Main file is not a .zip file

Make sure your main file is a .zip file and not a .rar file. If somebody purchases an item they should be able to open the archive without having to install any external programs. You will have to resubmit your item. 

3.Demo contain CTA links to purchase the item elsewhere

If you supply a demo your product, be sure to not have a CTA link to purchase the product elsewhere. We don't mind if you sell your product elsewhere, but traffic from Codemarketz should not be redirected to purchase the item elsewhere in an attempt to cut out Codester.

4.No Demo link or screenshots included

Themes and HTML templates require at least screenshots or a demo link to be able to be listing on Codemarketz. We do this because is crucial for the buyer to know what he is buying.

5.You don't have the right to sell this item

You are trying to sell other people's work as your own. If this is with bad intension this will result in a ban from Codemarketz. We are not interested in your sort of author. Just go away and never come back!

It can happen accidentally. For example you don't the rights to include a certain font for commercial use. You will then receive a warning and a chance to fix the product. Don't let it happen again! 

6.Item is not suitable for sale

This is a hard-reject. Either the quality of the item is not good enough or the item is not suitable to be sold on the Codemarketz marketplace. In the first case some major changes are required to have a chance of getting your item listed. Please don't try to resubmit your item again with just a few changes.

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